Artist Camille Musser balances art and family in the documentary, Who Does She Think She Is?.
By V.A. Musetto | The New York Post
CAN women follow their artistic instincts and still function as wives and mothers? Pamela Tanner Boll’s articulate documentary “Who Does She Think She Is?” answers that question with a qualified “Yes.”
She profiles five women of varied backgrounds – an actor, two sculptors, a painter and a printmaker – most of whom manage (despite staggering odds) to successfully juggle their nurturing and artistic needs.
In all but one case, husbands, children and wives appear satisfied with their lives.
As it happens, Bolls is her own best example: She is an artist, writer, filmmaker, feminist activist – and a wife and mother of three sons.
Running time: 84 minutes. Not rated (nothing objectionable). At the Angelika, Mercer and Houston streets.
This article was originally published in the New York Post:
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