The women have a heroism that we don’t see in our society anymore. (The film) awakens an advocate in me. I wanted to march on Capitol Hill!
Bravo! My mom and I watched your film and then spent 2 hours discussing it. My mom was an artist during my growing up years (painting, etching, batik, drawing, etc) and now both my sister and I are artists and mothers. Your film provoked a wonderful conversation that feels so relevant to this time in my life as I try and do what she did, make art and be a mom. This is a topic that will speak to many, many women.
I am incredibly impressed. I watched the film at home and was lost in it. I was lost in the lives of the women, their stories, the incredible art produced by each. I am not an artist, but my mother was a painter. I felt her with me when I watched this film. The meta story about women artists, the feminist movement, the act and demands of caregiving, the challenges/sacrifices, the simultaneous visibility and invisibility of women artists came off the screen at me. I think at some point an instructional guide should accompany this film because it clearly has a place in classrooms -- I for one want to show it in my intro women's studies course in the spring!
I completely related to this film, as someone who writes and has three kids. Watching, I felt, ‘Phew, I’m not the only person who is on deadline, boiling spaghetti downstairs, giving my son something to do so that I can interview someone for a deadline.’ You often worry if you’re doing anything that is good, because you cannot really focus on it. And it was lovely to see people in difficult situations still producing really fine, excellent, and moving things, and it tells me something, also, about the nature of the mothering and the creativity, in that we do view them as at odds, but perhaps they’re not.
The women in the film are portraits in courage against the social and ideological odds.
Terrific, engaging and moving documentary about the ongoing conundrum of women in the arts today.
You could feel a shift from the pleasantries before the screening of “Who Does She Think She Is?” to the bonding and camaraderie that occurred after. This is a film that breaks down barriers and brings people together. Not just women, everyone. That is one of the many reasons I love it so much. I introduced the film today and I can’t tell you what an awesome feeling it is to be associated with it in the small and humble ways that I have been. I am not just a fan. I am a woman/mother/artist inspired.
What a joy it was to see the reactions and enthusiasm from these women that I had had during my first viewing of this film. Tears on more than a few faces, and passionate discussion followed the screening as well as several invitations for me to show the film at other local art associations. Thank you for making this film! It continues to inspire me and many others to stay on this creative path no matter what the obstacles are.
Thank you for allowing my Liberian women coming out from their house to watch your film. “Who Does She Think She Is.” On our way most of the women were crying and they saw themselves in the film. Because of this we are playing the film in some of the churches and Mosque in Staten Island starting this weekend. The women asked we play the film for Liberian girls who are born in the US from Liberian mothers who saw themselves in the film.